The third international exchange scheduled for 13-14-15 September in Granollers, Spain, enters its organizational phase. Over 80 athletes from Italy and France are expected for the occasion, who will join the hosts of the AE club Carles Vallbona.
The international exchange will consist of three main moments: a steering committee in which all project partners are required to participate; a volleyball tournament and socialization activities to allow the athletes to get to know each other and integrate.
The moment most awaited by the teams is the tournament itself, which takes on the tone of an international sporting event, with the participation of Vallbona, Volley Ball Nancy and Anderlini. There are three categories involved: Under 12 Female, Under 14 Female and Under 16 Female.
This international exchange will be the last stage of the project, before meeting for the official conclusion, expected in Spain in November 2024.